2nd TNA call in ATMO-ACCESS project
After the ample participation of users in the 1st call for TransNational Access, a new TNA call will open on May 6th within the ATMO-ACCESS project.
This 2nd call offers access to the most advanced atmospheric research facilities in Europe in support of the objectives of the Green Deal.
Young scientists wanting to test out new theories or ideas, scientists working with local authorities on tricky air pollution problems, companies/private sector users developing instruments that need testing can’t miss the opportunity to apply.
Whilst there is no requirement for the user or the service provider to be partners in Green Deal funded projects, alignment with relevant projects such as RI-URBANS or ICOS Cities would be welcome. Users only need to demonstrate how using the ATMO-ACCESS ground-based observation stations, atmospheric simulation chambers, mobile facilities, or central atmospheric science laboratories will enhance ongoing research, development, or innovation activities regarding the Green Deal.
Eligible proposals are selected by an independent selection panel considering scientific excellence, technical merit, innovation and market-driven aspects.
TNA is provided free of charge to the selected users in person (physical access), remotely (remote access) or both, and includes the logistical, technological and scientific support and the specific training that is needed to use the services provided by the facility. To facilitate TNA, users may benefit from a contribution to support some of their travel and local subsistence costs.
The call will be open until July 6th, 2022. Full details are available here.
ATMO-ACCESS promotes gender equality in scientific research and specifically encourages applications from women.