Successful TNA provided through ATMO-ACCESS

The table below lists Trans-National Access provided to applicants to the ATMO-ACCESS Calls for Access, and their Activity Reports, when available. Please note that the reports in italics are confidential and available only to project partners and reviewers upon request.

Some reports are confidential as asked by the project PI. Those reports are listed in italic and are available to project partners through the project intranet ATMO-CONNECT.

#TNA IDInstitution NameTitle & Acronym of the projectHost Facility/iesType of access requestedActivity Report
1C1-CHAMBRE-1ETH Zürich (Switzerland)Survival of Antimicrobial Resistant Strains in the AirChAMBRe (ASC), ItalyPhysical accessActivity Report
2C1-FORTH-MSC-2Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS (Poland)The importance of sesquiterpene oxidation products for secondary organic aerosol formation – chamber experiments and field studies (SESQSOA)FORTH-MSC (MOB), GreecePhysical accessActivity Report
3C1-AURA-1University of Helsinki (Finland)Aarhus Chamber Campaign on Evaporation, Partitioning, and Terpene Oxidation (ACCEPTO)AURA (ASC), DenmarkPhysical accessActivity Report
4C1-ISAF-IZO/Obs- 1University of Helsinki (Finland)Chasing preindustrial aerosols at IzañaISAF – IZO (OBS), SpainHybrid accessActivity Report
5C1- ISOLAB/CESAR-5Stockholm University (Sweden)Isotopic characterization of greenhouse gases – CO CH4 and CO2 – in sub-Saharan Africa background and urban environment.ISOLAB-UU @CESAR (CL), NetherlandsRemote accessUnavailable
6C1-LACROS-1Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich – ETH Zurich (Switzerland)Dual operation of 35 and 94 GHz radar during a seeding experiment (DORSE)LACROS (MOB), GermanyHybrid accessActivity Report
7C1-SAPHIR-1University of Lille (France)Comparison of instruments detecting atmospheric organic peroxy radicals (ROxCOMP)SAPHIR (ASC), GermanyPhysical accessActivity Report
8C1-AIDA-1CNRS (France)AquaVIT-4 : International hygrometer intercomparison campaignAIDA (ASC), GermanyHybrid accessActivity Report
9C1– CMN-PV -1University of Helsinki (Finland)New particle formation and its influence on air pollution in Po ValleyCMN-PV (OBS), ItalyHybrid accessActivity Report
10C1-AGORA-1Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Atmospheric Aerosol Research – IMK-AAF (Germany)Modular Observation Solution for Earth System (MOSE)AGORA (OBS), SpainPhysical accessActivity Report
11C1-PACS-C2-1CNRS-IRCELYON (France)Novel Molecular Understanding of Aerosol Formation (NUCLEATE)PACS-C2 (ASC), SwitzerlandPhysical accessUnavailable
12C1-CHAMBRE-2University of Manchester (United Kingdom)Validation of Real- time machine learning classification algorithms for the Detection of Airborne Pathogens using Novel Multi- Dimensional UV-LIF Spectrometers using Controlled ChamBRe Characterisation ExperimentsChAMBRe (ASC), ItalyPhysical accessActivity Report
13C1-ATMOS-1University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)BBAC TO Athens (Black-Brown carbon Aerosol Campaign ThroughOut Athens)ATMOS (OBS), GreecePhysical accessActivity Report
14C1-MAC-1ETH Zürich (Switzerland)Concentration and chemical composition contribution of Ice Nucleating particles from Biomass Burning emissions (IN-BB)MAC (ASC), United KingdomPhysical accessActivity Report
15C1-EVASO-1Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (Spain)Lidar data In a RT model for dust direct radiative effect estimation and evaluation against solar measurements (LiRTaSoM)EVASO (OBS), PortugalPhysical accessActivity Report
16C1-USRL-1University of Reading (United Kingdom)Diurnal vAriation of the vertically resolved siZe distribution in the Saharan Air Layer (DAZSAL)USRL (MOB), CyprusHybrid accessActivity Report
17C1-KASCs-1North-West University (South Africa)Boreal and savanna fire aerosol ageing (BASFAA)KASCs (ASC), FinlandHybrid accessActivity Report
18C1-CAO-1Karsa Oy (Finland)Thermo Desorption – Multischeme chemical IONization inlet – Mass Spectrometer (TD-MION-MS) for atmospheric aerosol precursor and security research – proof of conceptCAO (OBS), CyprusPhysical accessUnavailable
19C1- EUPHORE/SMEAR II-1Aerosol d.o.o. (Slovenia)Advanced carbonaceous aerosol apportionment using Total Carbon Analyzer and newly developed Aethalometer prototype with extended wavelength range (ACAA:TC-BC 9λ)SMEAR II (OBS), Finland and EUPHORE (ASC), SpainCombination of Physical and Remote accessUnavailable
20C1-RADO-3Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)Training of hands-on operation of Lidars and data analysis at RODA.RADO (OBS), RomaniaPhysical accessUnavailable
21C1– KASCs -2The Chinese University of Hong Kong (China)Probing Reactivity and Hygroscopicity Changes of Methanesulfonic Acid against OH Heterogeneous Oxidation using a Smog Chamber (MSAOH_CHAM)KASCs (ASC), FinlandPhysical accessUnavailable
22C1-RADO-2Czech Hydrometeorological Institute – CHMI / Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Czech Academy of Sciences – CAS (Czech Republic)SCC setup, testing and data check for the CHMI lidarRADO (OBS), RomaniaRemote accessActivity Report
23C1– CMN- PV/OPAR -1Stockholm University (Sweden)Net interactions between aerosol populations, fog and clouds under natural and anthropogenic influences (NetAeFoCs)CMN-PV (OBS), Italy and OPAR (OBS), FranceCombination of Physical and Remote accessUnavailable
24C1-AGORA-4Instituto Federal de São Paulo (Brazil)Characterizing the role of thErmal inversions and ABL dynamics on polen concentration at surface: synergy between microwaVe rAdiometer, Doppler and Aerobiological techniques. (CEVADA)AGORA, ES (OBS)Remote accessActivity Report
25C1-FKL-1University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)Impact of shipping emissions on particulate matter pollution over the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (ISE-PM)FKL (OBS), GreeceHybrid accessActivity Report
26C1-IASC-1Aix Marseille University (France)PROXI : atmospheric fate and impact of Piperitone: Reactivity, OXIdation products and SOA formationIASC (ASC), IcelandHybrid accessActivity Report
27C1-WOS-1University of Granada (Spain)Implementation of Combined lidar techniques for the retrieval of Aerosol fluxes in Rural and Urban Sites. (ICARUS)WOS (OBS), PolandC1-WOS-1Activity Report
28C1-LACROS-2Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial – INTA (Spain)Lidar-radar synergy studies with advanced experience in other instrumentation (Raman lidar and cloud radar) (LIRASYS)LACROS, DE (MOB)Physical accessActivity Report
29C1-SIRTA-1University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia)The Influence of the Mixing State on Aerosol Light Absorption (IMSALA)SIRTA (OBS), FranceCombination of Physical and Remote accessUnavailable
30C1-FORTH-MSC-1National Research Council of Italy – CNR (Italy)Direct determination of secondary aerosol formation in the Po Valley through mobile reaction chamber technologiesFORTH-MSC (MOB), GreecePhysical accessActivity Report
31C1-CESAM-2Tampere University (Finland)Volatile Particles from Sustainable Aviation Fuel (VP-SAF)CESAM (ASC), FrancePhysical accessUnavailable
32C1-RADO-1University of Warsaw (Poland)Towards development of FLUorescence-MIe- RAman mobile lidar (FLUMIRA)RADO (OBS), RomaniaPhysical accessActivity Report
33C1-WOS-2National Institute of Space Research (Brazil)Structure and dynamics of the planetary boundary layer in urban environment ecosystem. (BOLAUR)WOS (OBS), PolandPhysical accessActivity Report
34C1-CAO/USRL-1University of Groningen (the Netherlands)New Particle Formation in the MEDiterranean region – insights into precursor and cluster composition (NPF- MED)CAO (OBS), Cyprus and USRL (MOB), CyprusCombination of Physical and Remote accessUnavailable
35C1– CMN-PV -3University of Bergen (Norway)Radio Interferometric Characterisation of High Energy Sources from Thunderstorms (RICHEST)CMN-PV (OBS), ItalyPhysical accessActivity Report
36C1– CMN-PV -4Terra Modus Consultants Limited (United Kingdom)Medusa Enhanced Volatile Organic Compounds (MEVOC)CMN-PV (OBS), ItalyPhysical accessActivity Report
37C1-ATMOS-2Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University – BAİBÜ (Turkey)Source Apportionment and Health Impact Assessment of Biomass Burning Organic Aerosols in Duzce (Turkey)ATMOS (OBS), Greece and FKL (OBS), GreecePhysical accessActivity Report
38C1– CMN-PV -2Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)Determination of Aerosol Acidity and Secondary Aerosol Formation in the Po ValleyCMN-PV (OBS), ItalyPhysical accessUnavailable
39C1-AGORA-2EAFIT University (Colombia)MultichAnnel Raman Lidar measurements and PROcessing CHain (MARPROCH)AGORA, ES (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
40C2-SIRTA1Vaisala Oyj (Finland)
CL61-4UrbanABL: testing the added-value of novel CL61 automatic ceilometer measurements for atmospheric boundary layer profiling in an urban environment.SIRTA (OBS), FranceRemote accessUnavailable
41C2-CESAR1Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA- IASB)Ruisdael Rotterdam 2022 campaignCESAR (OBS), NetherlandsPhysical accessUnavailable
42C2-PALSOD1University of Hertfordshire (UK)Arctic Multi-Phase cLoud Experiment (AMPLE)FMI PAL-SOD (OBS), FinlandPhysical accessActivity Report
43C2-SAPHIR1Fudan University (China)
Simulating secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation of aromatics and their products over diurnal cyclesSAPHIR (ASC), GermanyPhysical accessUnavailable
44C2-ATMOS1Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares, Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal)Chemical source profiling of exhaust and non-exhaust traffic emission sources in Portugal (CSPENE)ATMOS (OBS), GreecePhysical accessActivity Report
45C2-PALSOD2École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)Vertical aerosol profiles during the Pallas Ice Cloud Experiment 2022 – VAP-PaCEFMI PAL-SOD (OBS), FinlandPhysical accessActivity Report
46C2- ISOLAB/CESAR1Royal Holloway University of London (UK)BorMIS – Boreal methane isotope studiesISOLAB-UU @CESAR, NL (CL)Combination of Physical and Remote accessUnavailable
47C2-BCN4Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland)Pollen Observations with Lidar – Laser Exploring in Non-invasive Atmospheric Techniques (POLLENAT)BCN (OBS), SpainHybrid accessActivity Report
48C2- ACMCC/SIRTA1Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland)Chemical composition of PM1 in Helsinki by RI-Urban (HelRI-Urban)ACMCC @SIRTA (CL), FrancePhysical accessUnavailable
49C2-BCN3University of Warsaw (Poland)Pollen Observations with Lidar – Laser Exploring in Non-invasive Atmospheric Techniques (POLLENAT)BCN (OBS), SpainCombination of Physical and Remote accessActivity Report
50C2-ACD-C/LACIS-T1Institute of Physical Chemistry PASThe Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Formation and Evolution in the Forest Atmosphere (ForestSOA)ACD-C / LACIS-T, DE (ASC)Physical accessActivity Report
51C3-CHAMBRE-1Coventry University (UK)Investigation of aerosol forMation from contaminated waters with emerging Pollutants and model bACTeria (IMPACT)ChAMBRe, IT (ASC)Combination of Physical and Remote accessUnavailable
The Cyprus InstituteOxidative Potential of aerosols in Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean
Preliminary results (OXALEAST)
ATMOS, GR (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
53C1-FMI-PAL-SOD-1Evora (Portugal)Source apportionment of Arctic carbonaceous aerosol using the Angström exponent (SUPPOSE)FMI PAL-SOD, FI (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
54C1-EVASO-2National Research Council – Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC)Integration of near-surface and vertical NO2 observations (INESV-NO2) EVASO, PT (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
55C1-USRL-3Aristotle University of ThessalonikiAerosol vertical profiling with lidars and drones (EVIAN)USRL, CY (MOB)Physical accessActivity Report
56C1-AGORA3University of EvoraGround-based/Satellite Synergies for TrAcers Monitoring in Urban Areas. (GSS-TAMUA)AGORA, ES (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
57C1– CMN-PV -5 University of EvoraMeasurements Intercomparison for New Spectroscopic Instrument Calibration (MINSPEC)CMN-PV, IT (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
58C1-FMI-PAL-SOD-2Forschungszentrum JülichObservations of Stratospheric TRace gases Influencing Climate using High-altitude platforms (OSTRICH)FMI PAL-SOD, FI (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
59C1-AGORA5ONERALIdar LOW-height profiling field campaign for ABL characterization (LILOW-ABL)AGORA, ES (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
61C2-CESAM1National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)Investigating the LIght Absorption properties of worldwide Dust aErosols (ILIADE)CESAM, FR (ASC)Physical accessActivity Report
62C3-ISAF3Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyVisit of the COCCON Travel Standard at the TCCON site in Izana (TS@IZO)ISAF – IZO, ES (OBS)Remote accessActivity Report
63Helmholtz-Zentrum hereonParticulates Infiltrating Residencies in Athens (PIRAthe)ATMOS, GR (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
64National Research Council – Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC)Aerosol LAyer DetectIoN 4 Air Quality (ALADIN4AQ)SIRTA, FR (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
65Istanbul Technical UniversityImpacts of Pollution Transport from Wildfires and Ship Emissions in the Eastern Mediterranean (ImPoWS)FKL, GR (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
66Peking UniversityChamber experiments for investigating aromatics oxidation by OH at different NOx levels (CIAO)SAPHIR, DE (ASC)Remote accessActivity Report
67WOSLicel GmbH
APD Ground Loop Prevention (APD Ground Loop Prevention
WOS, PL (OBS) Physical accessActivity Report
68C1-SBO-2Technische Universität BraunschweigHigh-Frequency Spectral Induced Polarization Monitoring of Atmosphere-Cryosphere-Interactions (FROZEN)SBO, AT (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
69C1-SBO-1Utrecht UniversityStudying Organic Matter in Surface Snow, Cloudwater and
Aerosol Filter Samples (OMASC)
SBO, AT (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
70C2-SBO1University of Oulu1st ECCINT CIS intercomparison for LWC: ECCINT-INT01SBO, AT (OBS) Physical accessActivity Report
71University of ManchesterMPICCEAIDA, DE (ASC) Physical accessActivity Report
72University of ManchesterEffect of organic coating from Anthropogenic Emissions on the radiative properties of Desert Dust particles (AE-DD)CESAM, FR (ASC) Physical accessActivity Report
73Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyTS@IZOISAF – IZO, ES (OBS) Remote accessActivity Report
74Helmholtz-Zentrum HereonPIRAthe : Particulates Infiltrating Residencies in ATHensATMOS, GR (OBS) Physical accessActivity Report
75CNR-ISAC Alicenet and IPSL-SIRTAAerosol LAyer DetectIoN 4 Air Quality (ALADIN4AQ)SIRTA, FR (OBS) Physical accessActivity Report
75ISTANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (ITU)Impacts of Pollution Transport from Wildfires and Ship Emissions in the Eastern Mediterranean – ImPoWSFKL, GR (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
75Aristotle University of ThessalonikiInvestigating the lung BIoaccessibility of semivolatile and volatile Organic Emissions from multiple COmbustion Sources (BIOECOS)MAC, UK (ASC)Hybrid accessActivity Report
75Aix Marseille UniversitéUP-VOCBCN, ES (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
76University of GranadaImprovement of the atmospheric boundary layer height estimation from COSMIC-2 data by usingmicrowave radiometry and radiosondes (IBERIA)EVASO, PT (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
76UCA (Université Clermont Auvergne)BactLightChAMBRe, IT (ASC)Physical accessActivity Report
76Stockholm University – ACESUpIsoPACS-C2, CH (ASC)Hybrid accessActivity Report
76University of BergenVertical and horizontal profiling of water vapour isotopes using AirCores, drone- and balloon-borne sampler (H2O-IsoVHP)FMI PAL-SOD, FI (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
77Aristotle University of ThessalonikiLAPCINDI-3 : LAP-AUTH participation in CINDI-3 campaignCESAR, NL (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
77Paul Scherrer InstituteLUMINOUS : Linking insitU and reMote sensINg pOlarimetric techniqUeSAGORA, ES (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
77Purdue UniversitySPMS@JFJJFJ, CH (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
77SAPHIR (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)SOA Formation and Yields from Gas-Phase Urban Mixtures in the SAPHIR Chamber : SAPHURBAN
SAPHIR, DE (ASC)Hybrid accessActivity Report
78National Institute of Aerospace Technique (INTA)AEROHYGRO : Studying the Effects of the Hygroscopicity over the Radiative Properties of the Atmospheric Particles.NAOK, CZ (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
78University of Szeged, HungaryMuWaPAS : Multi-Wavelength Photoacoustic SystemAIDA, DE (ASC), CCice @AIDA, DE (CL)Physical accessActivity Report
78University of L’AquilaAdvancing ABL profiling synergy : AdvansyngSIRTA, FR (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
78INFNPOLFRAG : Characterisation of pollen fragmentation processes and physical properties using novel multi-dimensional bioaerosolspectrometers under controlled ChAMBRe atmospheric simulation experiments.ChAMBRe, IT (ASC)Physical accessActivity Report
79ULiegeA-Sense : Advanced Sensor Systems for NH3 EmissionSIRTA, FR (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
79CITEDEF (Instituto de Investigaciones Científica y Técnicas del Ministerio deDefensa)Lidar Analysis TOols and methodS (LATOS)AGORA, ES (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
79University of Warsaw – – Faculty of PhysicsIndustrial POllution Sensing with synergic techniques. (IPOS)CESAR, NL (OBS), RADO, RO (OBS), ICOS-ATC, FR (CL)Hybrid accessActivity Report
79University of WroclawPollen and Fine Particulate Monitoring, Forecasting, and Analysis (PEMFA)RADO, RO (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
79Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyMeasurements of atmospheric ice nucleating particles in the cirrus temperature regime at SBO (SBO_INP_23)SBO, AT (OBS) Hybrid accessActivity Report
79Max-Planck-Institut for ChemistryBiosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and the Reactive Nitrogen Budget: VertIcal Profiles of Key Species (BAIRN-VIP
SMEAR II, FI (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
79Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoCabauw Intercomparison Campaign of Nitrogen Dioxide measuring Instruments (CINDI) – 3CESAR, NL (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
79University of CopenhagenClimSox : Climate stress impacts on tree emissions and oxidation products
SAPHIR, DE (ASC)Hybrid accessActivity Report
79University of TurinEvaluation of the environmental fate of semivolatile nitroaromatics, in both surface waters and the atmosphere (ENVIFATE
ESC-Q-UAIC, RO (ASC)Remote accessActivity Report
79ETH ZurichAerOsol-Cloud Interactions: the Role of orgAnic compounds in CLoud droplEt activation (ORACLE). Funded by the bilateral Swiss-French program between ANR and SNSF. (ORACLE)CESAM, FR (ASC)Hybrid accessActivity Report
79University of LeicesterThe quantitative description of photochemical ozone production using chlorine as radical precursorSAPHIR, DE (ASC)Remote accessActivity Report
79ETH Zürich, SwitzerlandSurvival of Antimicrobial Resistant Strains in the AirChAMBRe, IT (ASC)Remote accessActivity Report
79TU WienBISAF : Bioaerosols and INPs in Sub-Arctic Finland
FMI PAL-SOD, FI (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
79Stûv S.A. and University of NamurCatalytic solutions for the cleansing of wood stove emissions: a physico chemical characterization of effluents generated by wood combustion and their maturation in the atmosphere (GO40VOC
PACS-C2, CH (ASC)Hybrid accessActivity Report
79University of GroningenCS-CAINA
: Chamber Studies of Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in a Nitrogen – dominated Atmosphere
AIDA, DE (ASC)Physical accessActivity Report
79University of ÉvoraSAFEground : SAtellite derived Fog Evaluation using ground-based remote sensing
SIRTA, FR (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
79Purdue UniversityAIDA-SPMSI : An Inter-comparison of Single Particle Mass Spectrometers to Enhance the Capabilities and Measurements at KIT’s Aerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere Chamber
AIDA, DE (ASC)Physical accessActivity Report
79University of FreiburgABL-NET : Optimizing an atmospheric boundary layer profile network in urban areas
SIRTA, FR (OBS)Hybrid accessActivity Report
79Institute of ChemistryHYPER-ATMO : ATMOspheric chemistry of linalool HYdroPERoxides
ESC-Q-UAIC, RO (ASC)Physical accessActivity Report
79C2-BCN1Sunset Laboratory BVPrototype field analyzer application for simultaneous real-time measurements of Organic Elemental, Black and Brown Carbon fractions using a dual-wavelength laser set-up. DUal Carbon Analyzer with Thermal Optical method (DUCATO)BCN, ES (OBS)Physical accessActivity Report
79C2-ESC-Q-UAIC1IMT Nord EuropeOzone Chemistry of Two oxygEnated Terpenes (OCTET)IMT Nord EuropePhysical accessActivity Report
79C2-QUAREC1University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” IasiAtmospheric investigations of compounds emitted from BIOmass BUrning: FUrfuryl alcohol and 3-NItroCatechol BIOBUFUNICQUAREC, DE (ASC)Physical accessActivity Report
79C1-FKL-2University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom)Atmospheric Microplastics in the Mediterranean Sea Air (AtmoMedMP)FKL, GR (OBS)Hybrid accessUnavailable
79C1-CiGAS-CH-1University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (United States)Calibration and validation of a CRDS analyzer for isotopic fingerprinting of nitrous oxide emissions from an intensively agricultural regionCiGAS-CH, CH (CL)Remote accessUnavailable
79C1-AIDA-2Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC, Spain)Dust-induced ice nucleation: Effects of MIneralogical COmposition and Size (MICOS)AIDA, DE (ASC)Hybrid accessUnavailable
79C1-CiGAS-CH-2University of Eastern Finland (Finland)Unraveling controls on N2O emissions from permafrost soils by using isotope analysisCiGAS-CH, CH (CL)Remote accessUnavailable
