ATMO-ACCESS 4th Remote TNA Call

A 4th Chance to Access the Most Advanced Atmospheric Research Facilities in Europe 

– the ATMO-ACCESS Remote and Hybrid Trans-National Access Call

We are pleased to provide access to Europe’s most advanced facilities for observation and exploration in atmospheric science.

We invite users to remotely access ground-based observation stations, atmospheric simulation chambers, mobile facilities or central atmospheric science laboratories across Europe. (A full list of our facilities can be found at

If you think that your research, development or innovation can benefit from our facilities, services or scientific collaboration then we can help. 

For example, you might be a manufacturer developing an instrument that needs to be tested, a researcher working with your local authority on a tricky air pollution problem or an Early Career Researcher wanting to test out your new theory or idea.

This access call is specifically open to users who can benefit from a major component of the access to be carried out remotely, allowing two free of charge modes of access:

  • Fully Remote Access

By providing materials or instruments to be operated by the service provider in their facility, for example, or by co-designing experiments to be conducted at the host facility under the direction of the user. Remote access is efficient, convenient, and tremendously cost-effective.

  • Hybrid Access

To complement a mainly remote access, some physical presence at, or access to, the facility may be supported (for example, to enable technical set up or training that cannot be reasonably carried out remotely).
Where hybrid access is proposed, users may benefit from a contribution to support some of their accommodation and travel costs for their physical access component.

  • Application Process

Applications for access within the call are available via the PASS Platform. You will be asked to provide a short proposal outlining what you would like to do, the problem it addresses and how it is linked to your ongoing activities. You will also be asked which funds you can count on for the travels in addition to ATMO-ACCESS’s partial contribution and how access to the ATMO-ACCESS infrastructure will enable progress that would otherwise have not been possible. 

Access for a new and unconventional use of the facilities, which favors an effective combination of the research interest, knowledge, and resources of the user and the facility staff is strongly encouraged.

Applications will be reviewed first by an Independent Experts Panel and the final decision will be made by a Strategic Board inside the project.

How to apply:

The Call Timeline is as follows:

  • Call opening: 27th February 2023
  • Deadline for applications: 2nd May 2023
  • Review period: 3rd May 2023 – 15th June 2022
  • Final list of accepted TNAs: 16th June 2023
  • Access Period: End of June 2023 – June 2024
