ATMO-ACCESS is pleased to announce the official opening of a call for new TNA/VA facilities. This call aims at enlarging the offer of the ATMO-ACCESS TNA access programme with 3-5 new unique research platforms to increase the portfolio of opportunities for offering added value services for physical, remote and virtual access to its user communities. With its current services provided from more than 50 facilities and online platforms, ATMO-ACCESS will enable the potential to extend the range of available platforms for new facilities that are interested and ready to participate.
The call will be open from Monday 6th February to Friday, 17th February 2023.
Eligibility criteria
In order to be considered eligible, candidate facilities must comply with the following criteria:
- Demonstrated added value with respect to the current ATMO-ACCESS facilities and online platforms (i.e., provide unique/ advanced/ exceptional/… services)
- Demonstrated attractiveness with respect to the facility’s geographical location
- Available for access provision planned between Q3-2023 until the end of 2024.
In addition, facilities should be able to meet the following additional criteria:
- Capacity to provide services beyond the perimeter of a single Research Infrastructure
- Capability to respond to scientific, technical and innovation-related user demands
- Capacity to organize field campaigns and experiments of various scale
- Capacity to host users or user groups and provide on-site administrative, scientific and technical support (proven record of access is required)
- Capacity to document the costs for access provision according to EU financial rules
- Proven record of access
How to apply
In order to apply, please send a simple expression of interest to the ATMO-ACCESS Project Office, using the following address: indicating:
- Facility name and acronym
- Hosting institution(s): [Main facility host and potential institutions involved]
- Facility PI
(A second step in the application process will imply the provision of technical information and costs of each applicant facility).
Applications to become a new facility will be sent to the ATMO-ACCESS Coordination and will be subject to acceptance by the General Assembly following recommendation from the Strategic TNA/VA Access Board.
Evaluation process
Applications will be evaluated according to the following principles:
- added value with respect to current facilities
- comprehensive range of instrumentation operated at the facility
- unique features to respond to scientific, technical, and innovation-related demands of users
- completing geographical coverage and possibly including sites outside of European political boundaries
- promoting regional investments from European structural funds.