Access user story: Rayonil Gomes Carneiro and Camilla Kassar Borge

PhD. Rayonil Gomes Carneiro, PhD. Camilla Kassar Borges, National Institute of Space Research (Brazil)

  • What is the context of your research?

Within the ATMO-ACCESS TNA offer we used access to the Warsaw Observatory Station (WOS) to work in the Remote Sensing Lab (RS-Lab) at the University of Warsaw in 2022. Our TNA project Structure and dynamics of the planetary boundary layer in urban environment ecosystem (BOLAUR) aimed at obtaining new knowledge about turbulence within the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and its relation with atmospheric pollution in Warsaw urban environment. The joint work with WOS RS-Lab team allowed to combine different methods of detection of PBL physical properties with the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model. Moreover, a feasibility study for the implementation of an Eddy-Covariance system at the WOS to improve the knowledge of the spatial-temporal variability of turbulent fluxes of the surface atmosphere interface in the Warsaw urban ecosystem was done.

  • Why did you apply to this call (if any)?

We have been in contact with the host TNA researcher Iwona S. Stachlewska in 2021 and she told us about the possibility of participating in the ATMO-ACCESS TNA calls. We recognized this was a great opportunity to increase the network with the WOS team, and moreover to access the advanced atmospheric WOS facilities.

  • What were the benefits/results of the access to the ATMO-ACCESS services for your project?

During the TNA at WOS RS-Lab in Warsaw, we conducted a study to explore the synergy among various detection methods and analyses of the planetary boundary layer and turbulent fluxes using advanced Lidar technologies, in conjunction with PALM simulations. The results obtained were very promising, so we continued the work after TNA. An article related to this work is currently under review. The obtained PBL can be used as example for new variables for Aerosol, Cloud and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS). The feasibility study for an Eddy Covariance system instalment at WOS RS-Lab was done in accordance with the required instructions and technical recommendations of the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS). This knowledge was used in drafting a joint proposal, which is currently under review.

  • How was your experience as a user?

We had an enriching experience in this TNA, and a good interaction with the WOS RS-Lab group to support to physical and remote access the facility and the datasets. This gave us an excellent environment to develop our project. In addition, we could also apply our expertise in the Warsaw urban environment. We feel this was mutual gain for both us as users and WOS as access provider.
