Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research (credits A. Apituley)

Observational platforms test

Observational platforms test

22 Observational Facilities (in blue on the map) will provide access in the framework of ATMO-ACCESS:

Associated partners

Our Current Associated Partners Logo Name Country Aerodyne Research, Inc. USA Aerosol d.o.o. Slovenia Institute of Atmospheric Physics CAS  Czech Republic Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale  France University of Bayreuth […]

First call for access

ATMO-ACCESS provides opportunities for accessing 43 operational European atmospheric research facilities in Europe. We are pleased to announce the first call to access facilities within the framework of ATMO-ACCESS. The […]

Sonnblick Observatory (SBO)

©SBO Ludwig Rasser

Location: Salzburg, Austria

Web site address:

The Sonnblick Observatory is a climate, mountain and environmental research station in the Austrian Alps located at an altitude of 3.106m. Since 1886, the observatory has been pursuing measurements and research in the fields of atmosphere, cryosphere and seismology, biosphere and hydrology. The Sonnblick Observatory operates atmospheric measurements related to ACTRIS and ICOS/InGOS and is represented in numerous monitoring programs and networks. The observatory can be reached by cable car or by an 8hrs hike. The cable car can also be used for profile measurements from the bottom station to the summit (1.500m height difference). In addition, the observatory is staffed around the clock with at least two employees who can support projects.  

Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory (CAO)

© Cyprus Atmospheric Observatory

Location: Agia Marina Xyliatou, Cyprus

Web site address:

It is a Long-term atmospheric (in-situ and remote sensing) observation site relevant to ACTRIS and ICOS/InGOS It is composed of 3 sites CAO Infrastructure: remote site in the centre of the island (535m above sea level). 1) Three co-located building at Agia Marina Xyliatou (30 km west of Nicosia). 2) Comprehensive suite of long-term ACTRIS aerosol in-situ and remote sensing observations. 3) A team of 4 Technical Research Specialists and 1 experienced station manager fully dedicated to the operation of CAO. It is a unique infrastructure located in the Middle East and the only EU infrastructure impacted by desert dust from the Arabian Peninsula and impacted by long-range transport of Middle East air pollution; It is  the only EU infrastructure with a co-located facility dedicated to atmospheric profiling with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (USRL Facility: also part of ATMO-ACCESS. 

National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice (NAOK)


Location: Košetice, Czech Republic

Web site address:

NAOK consists of two parts: background station, established in 1988 (operated by CHMI) and 250 m tall atmospheric tower, constructed in 2013. The capacity of NAOK is formed by research and operating supplement of four partners. NAOK is one of the first sites where ACTRIS and ICOS are coordinated. NAOK provides an open access to the various data sets and  following technologies: meteorology: air quality parameters, gaseous  mercury, standard air quality measurements; deposition; chemical, physical, and optical properties of aerosols, trace gases: VOCs – canister sampling, High, medium and low volume active air sampling devices for gas and particle phases of the atmosphere; Passive air samplers; Wet deposition samplers. 

Pallas-Sodankylä Atmosphere-Ecosystem Supersite (FMI PAL-SOD)

Photo taken at the Pallas Sammaltunturi measurement station during the ICOScapes photo campaign. (Photographer Konsta Punkka)

Location: Muonio, Finland

Web site address:

Pallastunturi is a GAW/ICOS/ACTRIS site located in the Finnish sub-Arctic. Surroundings represent a pristine background location, with main station, Sammaltunturi on an Artic fjell (560m a.s.l.) occasionally surrounded by clouds. Harmonized measurements of greenhouse gases (concentrations and fluxes), in situ aerosol properties (physical, optical and chemical properties). Standard air quality parameters. Continuous and campaign based in situ cloud microphysical properties. Vertical aerosol distribution by LIDAR, columnar properties by sunphotometry. Semi- continuous cloud radar measurements. Sub-Arctic UAV- base: vertical in situ profiling utilizing drones and a tethered balloon system with permit to fly inside clouds. Sodankylä (67°22’ N, 26°39’ E) hosts programs exploring upper air chemistry and dynamics, atmospheric column and profile measurements, snow/soil hydrology, biosphere-atmosphere interaction and satellite studies. CO2 and CH4 fluxes are measured by micrometeorological methods. 

Station for Measuring Ecosystem – Atmosphere Relations II (SMEAR II)

Location: Juupajoki, Finland

Web site address:

The SMEAR II represents background boreal forest site consisting of main site at scots pine forest and additional flux measurements in wetland fen and boreal lake environments. Continuous measurements since 1995. SMEAR contributes to ICOS, ACTRIS and eLTER RIs and is a truly multidisciplinary site. The observations include detailed in-situ aerosol and ion physical, chemical and optical characterisation, trace gases, greenhouse gases, cloud profiling and aerosol remote sensing instrumentation include sun photometer, ceilometer, lidar, cloud radar, precipitation radar, and microwave radiometer. Observation platforms in pine forest, boreal lake and wetland areas are available. Drones and tethered balloon borne observations can be used at the site. SMEAR supports research e.g. on atmospheric composition, forest ecology, ecosystem-atmosphere interaction and climate change. 

Site Instrumental de Recherche par Télédétection Atmosphérique SIRTA


Location: Plateau de Saclay, France (25 km South of Paris)

Web site address:

SIRTA is a French national atmospheric research observatory dedicated to research on cloud, aerosol, trace-gas physical and chemical processes (ACTRIS) and high precision analysis of ICOS/InGOS variables. The SIRTA observatory is supported by CNRS, Ecole polytechnique and CEA in collaboration with five other research performing organisations. It is operated by permanent staff of 15 scientists and engineers. SIRTA is located on the Saclay plateau, in a semi-urban environment, 25 km south of the Paris city centre (48.7N, 2.2E), influenced by local and/or regional air masses (depending on the meteorological conditions). It gathers an ensemble of state-of-the-art active and passive remote sensing instruments and in-situ sensors deployed by several research laboratories. The SIRTA infrastructure supports research on formation mechanisms and chemical processes of gaseous and particulate compounds and all physical processes related to greenhouse gases, aerosols and clouds. The 2 associated centres of expertise are located in Palaiseau (CCRES) and Gif-sur-Yvette (ACMCC). 

Observatoire de Physique de l’Atmosphère à La Réunion (OPAR)

MAIDO – OSUR (© Thibaut VERGOZ/OSU – Réunion / CNRS Photothèque)

Location: La Réunion, France

Web site address:

Description of the infrastructure: OPAR is an atmospheric observatory at La Réunion, located on the Maïdo mount (2160 m a.s.l., lee side on the tropical island). Its situation allows users to get unique observing conditions both night (clear skies for teledetection, free tropospheric in-situ measurements) and day (marine boundary layer perturbed by local emissions). OPAR also provides a unique observing location to study processes linked to the ascent (descent) branch of the Hadley cell during the austral summer (winter) period. OPAR accommodates a large sector of ACTRIS and ICOS instrumentation compliant with:  NDACC, FTIR, AERONET, EARLINET, TCCON, ACTRIS-in-situ and other instruments. Areas of research include dynamics and chemistry of the troposphere and stratosphere, tropical cyclone formation and intensification, atmospheric exchanges at major interfaces, long-range transport of aerosols and species. OPAR has worldwide collaborations on boundary layer to thermosphere topics and is also involved in numerous multi-disciplinary studies.  

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