Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius efficitur ex, et efficitur ante rutrum vel. Mauris vestibulum venenatis consectetur. Pellentesque tempor, arcu id sagittis fringilla, massa tortor vulputate nisl, in volutpat mi metus eu est. Aliquam at tellus tristique, molestie est vel, dictum mauris. Nam nibh dolor, accumsan in elit eu, lacinia egestas lacus. Curabitur at ipsum eu mauris faucibus suscipit id et turpis. Quisque sed fringilla velit, ullamcorper efficitur odio. Vestibulum ante mauris, eleifend at neque ut, pellentesque malesuada ex. Proin efficitur pulvinar odio vitae convallis. Suspendisse eget vestibulum elit, a consectetur eros. Etiam vitae mollis justo, non faucibus quam. Aenean scelerisque justo a fringilla tristique. Curabitur pretium egestas augue ac sollicitudin.
ATMO-ACCESS hybrid autumn schools on “sensors and drones in atmospheric sciences” have been successfully concluded
ATMO-ACCESS promotes innovative training and educational initiatives focused on atmospheric research infrastructures. To secure the future of European atmospheric facilities, it is vital that emerging researchers gain the expertise and […]
Enroll to the MOOC ‘Atmospheric Research Infrastructures: Sharing the future of our atmosphere’ !
we are pleased to let you know that the MOOC ‘Atmospheric Research Infrastructures: Sharing the future of our atmosphere’ will start running January 20th, 2025. Registration opens as of today on […]
Hybrid Autumn Schools : Sensors and Drones in Atmospheric sciences
November 11-15, 2024, The Cyprus Institute campus in Nicosia (Cyprus) and Empa campus near Zurich (Switzerland) The ATMO-ACCESS project supports innovative training and education activities related to atmospheric research infrastructures. […]
Training Opportunity for public authorities: How to implement the revised EU ambient air quality directive?
ATMO-ACCESS – an EU H2020 initiative encompassing IAGOS, ACTRIS, and ICOS – and RI-URBANS – an EU H2020 project aimed at enhancing monitoring capabilities for urban air pollution evaluation, prediction […]
ITINERIS – ACTRIS Pilot Access Call
ITINERIS is excited to announce the launch of the ITINERIS – ACTRIS Pilot Access Call for proposals to access to offer enhanced access to Europe’s most advanced facilities for observation and exploration […]
How ATMO-ACCESS supports EarthCARE calibration and validation
The joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) EarthCARE is designed to measure clouds, aerosols and radiation more accurately than ever before. To […]
HYBRID AUTUMN SCHOOLS : Sensors & Drones in Atmospheric sciences
November 11-15, 2024, The Cyprus Institute campus in Nicosia (Cyprus) and Empa campus near Zurich (Switzerland) The ATMO-ACCESS project supports innovative training and education activities related to atmospheric research infrastructures. It is crucial […]
We are excited to announce that within the Trans National Access, we offer access to a newly developed tool – ATMO-Box for international use in different research domains ! This […]
AGORA International Doctoral Summer School: training school on characterization of atmospheric aerosol using in-situ and remote sensing techniques (2nd edition)
The call for applications to the 2nd AGORA Aerosol Training School is open! This training on the characterization of atmospheric aerosol using in-situ and remote sensing techniques will be held […]
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