ITINERIS – ACTRIS Pilot Access Call
ITINERIS is excited to announce the launch of the ITINERIS – ACTRIS Pilot Access Call for proposals to access to offer enhanced access to Europe’s most advanced facilities for observation and exploration […]
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ITINERIS is excited to announce the launch of the ITINERIS – ACTRIS Pilot Access Call for proposals to access to offer enhanced access to Europe’s most advanced facilities for observation and exploration […]
The joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) EarthCARE is designed to measure clouds, aerosols and radiation more accurately than ever before. To […]
ATMO-ACCESS – an EU H2020 initiative encompassing IAGOS, ACTRIS, and ICOS – and RI-URBANS – an EU H2020 project aimed at enhancing monitoring capabilities for urban air pollution evaluation, prediction […]
November 11-15, 2024, The Cyprus Institute campus in Nicosia (Cyprus) and Empa campus near Zurich (Switzerland) The ATMO-ACCESS project supports innovative training and education activities related to atmospheric research infrastructures. It is crucial […]
We are excited to announce that within the Trans National Access, we offer access to a newly developed tool – ATMO-Box for international use in different research domains ! This […]
The call for applications to the 2nd AGORA Aerosol Training School is open! This training on the characterization of atmospheric aerosol using in-situ and remote sensing techniques will be held […]
Last chance to access ATMO-ACCESS services! This is your last chance to access Europe’s most advanced facilities for observation and exploration in atmospheric science within the ATMO-ACCESS general call framework. […]
Since the workshop starts with buffet lunch, please come to the seminar room first. ATMO-ACCESS will hold its annual General Meeting in Wuppertal (Germany), from Tuesday 19th to Thursday 21st […]
2022 Facility: AGORA, Spain Date : November – December Description : A second field campaign for fine scale mapping and pollution hot-spots covering the Fall of 2022. Location : Date […]