
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius efficitur ex, et efficitur ante rutrum vel. Mauris vestibulum venenatis consectetur. Pellentesque tempor, arcu id sagittis fringilla, massa tortor vulputate nisl, in volutpat mi metus eu est. Aliquam at tellus tristique, molestie est vel, dictum mauris. Nam nibh dolor, accumsan in elit eu, lacinia egestas lacus. Curabitur at ipsum eu mauris faucibus suscipit id et turpis. Quisque sed fringilla velit, ullamcorper efficitur odio. Vestibulum ante mauris, eleifend at neque ut, pellentesque malesuada ex. Proin efficitur pulvinar odio vitae convallis. Suspendisse eget vestibulum elit, a consectetur eros. Etiam vitae mollis justo, non faucibus quam. Aenean scelerisque justo a fringilla tristique. Curabitur pretium egestas augue ac sollicitudin.

1st call for Transnational access now closed

The first call for access closed 28 January 2022. A second call will open in the Spring 2022.


How do we cut GHG emissions of research without hampering high-quality international cooperation?

Being a project aimed to support society in tackling the climate emergency, ATMO-ACCESS will favour the reduction of the carbon footprint of its travel-intensive activities. But how do we cut GHG emissions of research without hampering high-quality international cooperation? 


Promoting access to research platforms in atmospheric sciences

The European research community of atmospheric sciences has received 15 million euros from the H2020 programme of the European Commission, in order to promote access to its research infrastructures. The ATMO-ACCESS consortium (“Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities”) gathers together 38 scientific institutions from 19 European countries of the atmospheric research infrastructures ACTRIS, ICOS et IAGOS, and is coordinated by the French National Research Centre (CNRS).

