ENVRI competition

ENVRI user story competition

How to enter

  1. Turn your Research Infrastructure services user story into a 2-minute long video.
  2. Post the video on YouTube.
  3. Send us the link through the submission form by August 31st 2021 at 11:59 CEST

Who can enter

  1. Any user of the ENVRI community and environmental research infrastructures services who is more than 18 years old (see the list of ENVRI community research infrastructures)
  2. Participants must go to the ENVRI community website, www.envri.eu/competition, during the Entry Period (17.5.2021 – 31.8.2021) and follow the onscreen instructions. Participant must produce a maximum 2-minute long video that clearly demonstrates how they (possibly with other colleagues who are however not part of this competition):
    • used the services provided by the ENVRI community or any of the ENVRI community research infrastructures
    • how the use of the service helped their science
    • why would they suggest others use the services
    • the video must be using English as the main language
    • the video must clearly mention what kind of service was used and which research infrastructure provided the service.

The video entry might take almost any form. A story told through an analogy? An animated cartoon? A Lego movie? A video incorporating your own original music or dance? An interview with contestant’s friends or colleagues? Standard PowerPoint presentation? Some other format? The participant can decide.

The prize

        • The winner will receive financial support of up to 3000 EUR towards their research;

        • The first runner-up wins support up towards their research to 800 EUR;
        • The second runner-up wins a 200 EUR voucher for the purchases in the online book store.
        • Everybody who submits a video for the competition will receive an ENVRI-branded Rubik’s cube.

Find more information at the ENVRI website

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