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Over 150 participants gathered for ATMO-ACCESS Kick-Off Meeting

The Kick-Off meeting of ATMO-ACCESS took place over 3 days, May 10th-12th 2021, introducing the activities of the newly launched European project. The event gathered remotely over 150 participants from 25 countries.

The six sessions not only provided insight on the project organisation and work plan, but also allowed participants to engage in compelling discussions. Many interesting presentations were given by potential users and stakeholders, both at national and international levels, and thoroughly illustrated the objectives of the project. The platform allowed the project partners to interact to ensure common understanding of expectations, notably on the Transnational Access (TNA) process and strategy. Feedback on the event was gathered via Slido, with results demonstrating a high satisfaction level of the meeting’s participants. The Kick-Off’s final session was celebrated on the evening of May 11th, with a social event featuring a quiz and a concert by singer Grazzia Giù.

We want to thank all of the participants, in particular those who presented and contributed to very fruitful discussions over these three days!

Paolo Laj, Sabine Philippin, Ariane Dubost and Matilde Oliveri for the ATMO-ACCESS Coordination and Project Office

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